Alex Fowler
For Alex, painting is a wonderful way of engaging with the beauty and peculiarity of the visible world; whether working on a Landscape, Cityscape, Figure or Still Life there is similar joy in unpicking the perceptual experience. What makes it just so is never to do with an inventory list of things seen, but an experience distilled through eye, mind and feeling. The realisation is that there is nothing more abstract than the visible world, and the hope is to capture something of the visceral experience of place, whether working on a large still life painting in the relative calm of the studio or out in the streets of a foreign city
Montenegro Sunrise Series
Alex Fowler
Natalia Study no.3
Alex Fowler
Over The Garden Wall, La Ciotat
Alex Fowler
Portrait of Andrew
Alex Fowler
Still Life with Blue Jug and Cyclamen
Alex Fowler
Still life with Ficus and Plaster Head
Alex Fowler
Sunlight on The Hillside, Luberon no.1
Alex Fowler
Sunlight on The Hillside, Luberon no.2
Alex Fowler
The Hill behind the House, Luberon
Alex Fowler
Alex Fowler
Alex Fowler
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